Author: Ang Nasution

Using Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API with Python

While this may be lengthy, you’re guaranteed to reach your desired destination if you diligently follow each step. Prior knowledge of basic Python will be advantageous. If you haven’t had the chance to acquaint yourself with the Python Programming Language or haven’t installed it on your computer yet, I recommend checking out this informative tutorial […]

Indonesia in the New World (Book Review)

This post was first published in 2020. First, let’s talk about the cover. This photo was taken during Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s visit to the Indonesian part of the South China Sea (North Natuna Sea, Natuna islands), when there was huge tension there in 2016, which, as the issue hasn’t yet reached its resolution, involves China, and […]

Pubertas Intelektual & Epistemologi

This post was first published in 2020. Epistemology without contact with science becomes an empty scheme. Science without epistemology is-insofar as it is thinkable at all-primitive and muddled. Albert Einstein Perkembangan kesadaran saintifik di kalangan anak muda saat ini patut diapresiasi, terlebih di tengah wabah pseudo-sains yang bisa jadi melanda kita, dan juga generasi senior―bisa […]